AUGUST 7, 2021


Blast FC is proud to announce that effective August 1, 2022 April Bush will assume the position of Club Director. April replaces Matej Mlakić.

Over the past year, April played an integral role in assisting me with the club’s history and American soccer, tryout procedures, and integrating new systems. In her spare time, she founded and runs the Blast FC Foundation.

She is a mom to two players (Eli, 2006 and Ethan, 2008) and has served as the 2008 Red boys Team Admin for the past six years and recently implemented a successful Croatia showcase for the 2006 Red boys team. Beginning this year, she is also Team Admin for the 2006 Red boys team. The Bushes have been a part of the Blast FC family for more than eight years.

April brings an understanding of both club soccer and the Blast FC way as a parent, a team admin and an organizer, plus she has strong community connections. I look forward to working together to continue to improve communication, processes, opportunities, and the Blast FC community.

I would also like to thank Matej Mlakić for all his hard work. Matej will not be returning to Blast FC, but will help April transition into her role over the next month. We wish Matej great success in his next venture.

Please join me in congratulating April!

Romeo Jozak, Ph.D.

Blast FC Soccer Academy
5620 St. George Ave
Westerville, Ohio 43082